Tuesday, 12 May 2020

"Women, Not the Weaker Sex"- Summary

Women, Not the Weaker Sex
M.K. Gandhi
M.K Gandhi’s “Women, Not the Weaker Sex” is an extract from The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi. In this prose piece Gandhi who considered all as equal, speaks about the equality of men and women. He talks about the ill-treatment faced by women and the noble behaviours of women. He advises women to come out of gender discrimination.  He begins the speech that if he were a woman, he would rebel against the men who consider women as a toy. Husbands should treat their wives differently in order to get their wives love. Gandhi says that he treated his wife differently in order to restore her rights to herself.  He withdrew his rights as a husband which enabled her to live her life. Due to such freedom she leads a simple life. Women’s importance towards external beautification to attract men is unnecessary. They should attract humanity through their inner beauty. He advises women not to be a slave of men. Women should know their position as men are born through them.
Women should stop considering themselves as an object for men’s lust. They should consider themselves as equal to men and simultaneously should make men to realise it. Men’s brutal abuse of women is the most degrading act. Women are not the weaker sex but they are nobler as they are the embodiment of pure qualities such as ‘sacrifice, silent suffering, humility, faith and knowledge’. Women can be seen as a personification of self-sacrifice but as Tolstoy says they are badly influenced by men. When the women understand the strength of non-violence, they will oppose to be called as the weaker sex.
Calling women community as weaker sex is a false statement. It is an injustice done by men to women. Men misunderstand brutal behaviours as strength. Whereas strength is moral power in which women are superior to men. Men have crushed women’s happiness due to their selfish attitude. When women are given equality the world will become wonderful. Gandhi sees women as special custodians of pure and religious life who will not give up nobleness in life. About women’s rights, Gandhi feels that both sons and daughters should be treated equally. He believes that women’s education will empower them. At the same time he advises women not to mimic men in order to be equal to them. Mere mimicking will not lead women to achieve heights instead they can be the complement of men.